Extraordinary Results In Both Complex And Routine Legal Matters. When The Stakes Are High, You Naturally Want An Edge. Information Is Everywhere, But Critical Thinking And Knowing What To Do With The Information In The Context Of Your Legal Matter Is What Sets Us Apart From Our Competitors.
We recognize that neither the circumstances which bring you to us, nor the objectives you wish to accomplish, are purely legal in nature. So, we listen to your business, professional, and personal needs, goals, and objectives before we offer our legal advice and counsel.
In today’s complex world, projects and problems often require the solid comprehension of a variety of authorities, disciplines, and possibilities. You want attorneys who are both critical thinkers and experienced trial lawyers. Who comprehend the entire legal, business, industry, professional, or personal environment in which resolution must come and not just the black-letter law. You want solutions that work in the real world and the court room. If possible, you want a result both beneficial to you and objectively fair. We understand that.
At the Stewart Law Firm you will find sharp responsive legal minds connected to a practical and pragmatic approach. Our attorneys are known for common sense, impeccable judgment and integrity, as well as for their legal knowledge and court room experience. While other firms get the job done through “cookie-cutter” or “shotgun” approaches, we believe every case, from highly complex to routine, demands focused legal work on the issues that matter most to the outcome.
As an “A-V” law firm, we are proud of the reputation we have earned over the years for providing efficient, yet effective, legal services. Mr. Stewart has earned Martindale-Hubbell’s highest rating: “A-V”. This peer review rating means that a significant number of his legal peers, selected at random by M-H, rated him as “Very High to Preeminent” in legal ability and “Very High” in general ethical reputation. Mr. Stewart achieved this rating very early in his career, much earlier than most, has increased his skills and ethical reputation over a near 30 year career, and demands the same standards from each of the firm’s attorneys.
When you select the Stewart Law Firm you will receive the kind of focused insight and guidance that can only come from experience and dedication. We pride ourselves on keeping clients informed and keenly aware of their options throughout the case or project. We clearly delineate the consequences of the available approaches, assist in making the critical decisions of which to pursue, and implement those determinations effectively. In addition, we instinctively staff matters leanly while ensuring our services continue to meet our high standards for quality and results.
Our goal is to win every case or legal matter. As our firm’s client, you decide what a win is and we engage in a practical approach to achieve the victory.